DESCRIPTION: In this week's #BeComplete #podcast, we're looking at how women in the Bible exemplified the characteristics of the Proverbs 31 woman...and you may be surprised by how they reflect her!


  1. Valued: She was the face of the Jews after her nationality was revealed. Xerxes valued her opinions and requests and the Jewish nation valued her leadership.

  1. Trustworthy: Mordecai knew that he could trust Esther to do as he instructed her. He also knew that he could trust her with the truth of the situation.

  1. Good to her husband: Never did she undermine her husband, she studied him and knew him, only presented herself to him as he would want. Didn’t try to change him, beg him, nag him.

  1. Diligent: She knew what she needed to tell the king and how to approach him to do it. She did her homework, she studied him, knew the kind of man he was and how to present herself to him.

  1. Selfless: She knew that she could lose her life if she went before the king without being summoned as well once he found out she was a Jew he could have had her life.

  1. Able: Esther used the beauty God had given her to be able to influence the king.

  1. Helpful to the needy: Esther knew that she was necessary to save her people. She was willing to sacrifice her own life.

  1. Resourceful: She knew when to look different (how she took time to prepare herself for the king which was 12 months originally and then when she went to approach him without being summoned. She knew how to dress a part that made him listen to her and pay attention.) She prepared for the moment before the moment (spent time fasting and praying for her time with Xerxes, provided 2 banquets before she made known her petition).

  1. Strong and Dignified: We don’t know that Esther was necessarily physically strong, but we know that she was mentally, emotionally and spiritually strong.

  1. Discerning and Kind: Esther could have run straight to the king and told him off. But again, instead she prepared for the moment. She knew what she needed to do.

  1. Respected: She may have been beautiful, however, if the king did not respect Esther would her beauty alone caused him to listen to her and be open to her petition? What had she done, how had she lived her life up to this point to have his ear so great?

  1. Noble: She was after all a queen.

  1. God-Fearing: She prayed 3 times.


“I commend to you our beloved sister Phoebe; she serves the church in Cenchrea as a faithful deacon. It is important that you welcome her in the Lord in a manner befitting your saintly status. Join in her work, and assist her in any way she needs you. She has spent her energy and resources helping others, and I am blessed to have her as my benefactor as well.” (Romans 16:1-2, Message)

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BE FREE FRIDAY #125: Think About What You Think About!