#169: TRUE + HONEST (Be Thinkers)


"God is true." (John 3:33)

"My judgment is true." (John 8:16)

"All the things spoken of Jesus were true." (John 10:41)

"God be true." (Romans 3:4)


Article by Adrian Rogers: questionnaire about your thought life.


1.Meditate on this devotion. It’s from Shauna Niequist’s daily devotional, Savor. I read it a few days ago and I think it’s a perfect way to take what we’ve been talking about and applying it to our thought life:


"When you realize that the story of your life could be told a thousand different ways, that you could tell it as a tragedy but you choose to call it an epic, that's when you start to learn what celebration is. When what you see in front of you is so far outside of what you dreamed, but you have the belief, the boldness, the courage to call it beautiful instead of calling it wrong, that's celebration. When you can invest yourself deeply and unremittingly in the life that surrounds you instead of declaring yourself out of the game, once and for all, because what's happened is too bad, too deep, too ugly for anyone to expect you to move on from, that's a good, rich place. That's where the things that looked like curses start to stand up and shimmer and dance, and you realize that they may have been blessings all along. Or maybe not. Maybe they were curses, but the force of your belief and hope and desperate love for life has brought a blessing from a curse, like water from a stone, like life from a tomb, like the story of God over and over."

2. Make your own LIES ==> FACTS ==> TRUTH chart. What have you convinced yourself is Truth that is a lie from the enemy? What have you decided is Truth that is factual, but isn't yet held up against the Truth of Christ? Make your list and submit it to the Lord!

3. Instead of rehearsing arguments you haven’t had yet – imagining what you would say, how you would react, how you would get revenge:

a. Think of the truth of the situation in light of Christ.

b. Think of how you could act with impressive dignity, inspiring admiration

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#170: JUST + PURE (Be Thinkers)
