She is an amazing wife and mother—she makes new and innovative meals regularly; full bellies and clean floors are her ministry. Her kids’ baby books are actually updated; she sews quilts out of their sports jerseys. She makes a big deal out of all the holidays, even St. Patrick’s Day and Flag Day.

I used to wish I could be her.

She is an incredible adventurer—always up for a road trip or spontaneous weekend getaway. Fear and insecurity pay no rent in her mind, and never stop her from pursuing her next goal; she can get up and go without forethought or planning. She wears bright yellow shoes because she loves them, no worry if they match her outfit or will draw attention to herself.

I used to wish I could be her, too.

And she has energy for days. She has a full-time job and family, and still has the stamina to workout and regularly see friends. She can jump from one thing to the next without any downtime and never needs to slow-process—she lives almost in warp-speed, without dismay or overwhelm.

I for sure used to wish I could be her, too.

Somewhere along the way, I believed I didn’t bring enough to the table in life. That I was wired wrong, my giftings a misfire and a fluke, unsure of how or when they would ever be useful. But the more I began to seek God and the truth of what He says about me, my perspective began to change. My mindset began to shift from who I wished I could be, to who I would be.

Of course I admire and appreciate the gifts and abilities of my friends, but I don’t do it as a side-by-side comparison of who I am anymore. We are all specifically wired for uniquely designed callings; finally (finally!), I can celebrate who others are without discrediting myself. God renewed my mind. Now I just wish to be more like Him.

How do you need God to renew your mind today?

“Be transformed from the inside out by renewing your mind. As a result, you will be able to discern what God wills and whatever God finds good, pleasing, and complete.” (Romans 12:2, The Voice)

- Monica


