It’s not too late.

Sometimes we assume it’s been too long, or we’re too far gone; the mistakes and the sins are too vast, too egregious. Sometimes we assume that because we willingly jumped into the pit and hung out there like an actual pig in slop that we’ve lost our chance.

If only we had heeded the warnings of the Holy Spirit.

If only we had resisted the devil, he would have fled and we’d be worthy of the renewal we desperately seek.

If only.

We think this way because that’s how it is with people. We have our first chance, and if we’re lucky we get a second. But then that’s it, ma’am. No third chances; three strikes and you're out. We blew it and the door closes and it’s our own fault anyway. We were warned, after all.

How incredibly sweet then, how touching and gracious and miraculous, that it’s not like that with our Lord. After we’ve ignored the Holy Spirit and entertained a non-fleeing devil, Jesus is still there to welcome us. To embrace us and give us a chance to be renewed. And renewal not just in one area, but all three: Spirt. Mind. Body. A full and wholly complete renewal. And all we have to do for it is repent and ask.

Simply because He loves us.

When we’ve reached the end of ourselves—when we’re tired of the flesh ruling the soul, when we’re exhausted from how far we’ve run—all we have to do is simply turn around and face Him. He was always there anyway; we can’t escape His gaze, not even for a minute, not even in our pit. And if we fall to our knees in the face of His holiness, it’s not too late. We’re home.

Do you worry you’ve messed up one too many times to be worthy of the love and renewal of Christ? Pray today that you would receive the truth that you will never not be loved by Him; you are worthy because He is worthy.

“So we’re not giving up. How could we! Even though on the outside it often looks like things are falling apart on us, on the inside, where God is making new life, not a day goes by without his unfolding grace.” (2 Corinthians 4:16, The Message)

- Monica


DEVOTION: Week of April 12
