Be-Cast Episode 52 :: BE TURNS ONE!


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We can't believe it. CANNOT BELIEVE IT. Be just turned one! What an amazing, incredible, blessed and mind-blowing year it has been. This week we want to pause, reflect and celebrate GOD'S WORK over the past year, and honor and acknowledge our listeners who are fellow soldiers, sojourners and friends that have supported us on this crazy One-Step-Forward-Now-PAUSE path. (Grin) Be Still Be Free only exists because of YOU, and this week we wanted to honor and celebrate how God has spoken to you over the past year. This week's podcast includes testimonies from our amazing listeners and friends, and as a special treat, we'll have a mini-podcast on Wednesday where Sara, Monica and Amber share what Be has meant to us over the past year. Make sure to come back Wednesday!Today we pray over you and ask God to pour out blessings over you a hundred-fold! We adore you and can't wait until the day we can hugs necks in person, look you in the eye and say WE LOVE YOU!

BE STICKY (sticky statement): Take the time to celebrate today what you aren't guaranteed to have tomorrow.BE IN THE WORD (this week’s verses):A right time to cry and another to laugh, a right time to lament and another to cheer. (Ecclesiastes 3:4)Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever! (Psalm 107:1) BE TWEETERS (ready-made tweets, just click to tweet):BE has expanded my understanding of scripture & also how I desire to live it out, to share it. #Tammy #BeCelebrated The more I get to know Him, the more I see how trustworthy, faithful and good He is! #Ashley #BeCelebratedBE has been a weekly reminder to focus my heart and mind on the right thing. #Jeni #BeStillBeFree #BeCelebratedBE helps me stay connected with learning how to develop my inner character & state-of-mind. #JenniferD #BeCelebrated BE has made me realize I'm not alone w/my's ok to not be ok. #JenniferH #BeStillBeFree #BeCelebrated I used to live in hope of the future; BE has made me conscious of being in the moment. #Nancy #BeCelebratedThe message not only ministers to me, but prepares & quiets me before I get home to family. #Allison #BeCelebrated These podcasts are generation-less, relational and relevant. #Jo BeStillBeFree #BeCelebratedThere is something in the warm welcome of a woman that feels like a balm for the soul. #Robin #BeCelebratedBE DOERS, NOT JUST HEARERS OF THE WORD (practical application):

  1. Take time today to find simple ways to celebrate where you are in life. Even if you are in the tough spot of crawling or cocooning (Be Transformed), there is something in your life worth celebrate. You alone are worth celebrating. Praise the Lord and rejoice with Him, find a friend and share stories of celebration!

BE EDUCATED (additional resources):

  1. Embraced By God: Celebrating Who and Whose You Are by Babbie Mason. Have you ever wondered, "Does God really love me? Do I really matter to Him?" Rest assured that each and every question you have is of great concern to God. He is not far away or unconcerned. He has not forgotten about you. He loves you. As a matter of fact, God loves you just as much as He loves His own Son.  In the pages of this 21-day journey, award-winning gospel singer, songwriter, and teacher Babbie Mason reminds you, when you know you are loved by God, you'll never again wonder if your life matters. You can start off heading in the wrong direction and still end up in the right place because you are embraced by God!
  1. Celebrating Life: Catching the Thieves That Steal Your Joy by Luci Swindoll. It may seem that the world is out to get you down. Don't let it! Luci Swindoll's paperback, Celebrating Life, will challenge you to discover the hope and freedom of taking joy in your present, your blessings and even your trials! Without having to "endure" any longer, you can begin celebrating! 

BE TOGETHER (creating discussion in the comment, bottom right tab!):What is something God wants you to celebrate in your life right now? Identify places, people or milestones that God would want you to pause, notice, reflect and celebrate. Share your comments in the tab below!BE LOADED UP (free downloads):Here are this week’s printable, phone wallpaper and Instagram & Pinterest pics! Use #BeCelebrated, #HappyBirthdayBe and #bestillbefree when posting!BE CELEBRATED-01BE CELEBRATED-WALLPAPER-01BE CELEBRATED-INSTAGRAM-01


What BE Has Meant to Us


When Desperation Drives You to Finally ASK