A Beautiful Life
Hi friends, it's Monica! I'm hosting a series called A Beautiful Life over on my blog, Elevate Ideas, and this week's guest blogger is none other than our own Sara! Read some of what she has to share -- it's so rich!
When Monica approached me about contributing to this amazing series, I fell immediately in love with the Bible verse she chose:Psalm 16:11 from The Voice: "You direct me on the path that leads to a beautiful life. As I walk with you, the pleasures are never ending, and I know true joy and contentment."
And then she went on to tell us that the Hebrew word for "never-ending" means enduring, strength, victory!!I immediately began to think back about my journey over the last 10 years. Soon after my 30th birthday, I became very aware of a lack of joy in my life. With all of my heart I wanted to know and serve God, but when I looked around I didn’t really feel the presence of God in my life. Have you ever been in that place? You know God as your Lord and Savior, but He feels so very far away no matter what you do? And Psalm 16:11 states that “He directs me on the path that leads to a beautiful life.” Even though I believed with every ounce of my core the truth in that, I felt abandoned and alone. And most certainly my life did not seem beautiful. How could I feel like this? So much of what I had wanted in life I had (an amazing husband, two children, a house, security, friends and so forth).But I was feeling so joyless...
To read the rest of this incredibly rich and insightful post, click over to Elevate Ideas. Blessings to you all today!