Be-Cast Episode 31: BE COURAGEOUS


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This week we are so excited to have a special guest with us — Allison Diaz! Allison is grown from a mix of Georgia Red Clay and Canadian dust...a southern girl with a heart for God, her family and big dreams. She's a warrior for Jesus, her husband and her family...overcoming near-tragic difficulty and standing firm as an example God is bigger than any disaster. You will be incredibly blessed by her wisdom and insight. To read more about Allison and her journey, visit her personal website, and the site she writes about living in the wake of traumatic brain injury,

BE IN THE WORD (this week's verses):

This is My command: be strong and courageous. Never be afraid or discouraged because I am your God, the Eternal One, and I will remain with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9)

“Listen, stay alert, stand tall in the faith, be courageous and be strong.” (1 Corinthians 16:13)

BE DOERS, NOT JUST HEARERS (practical application):

1. Choose to Act Anyway. It's not courage if you're not afraid. Courage is the presence of fear, but choosing to act anyway. How does fear prevent you from taking action in your life? Decide to ignore fear and do it anyway!

2. Persevere in the Face of Adversity. The more you try to accomplish something scary and hard, the harder the enemy is going to work to defeat and discourage you. Don't give up because it's hard. Be strong AND courageous.

BE EDUCATED (additional resources):

1. It Takes Courage. Great devotional by Charles Swindoll.

2. Courage: The Virtue that Bolsters All Other Virtues. Great article from Focus on the Family.

3. Instilling Courage in our Kids. Wonderful resource from Crosswalk.

4. Start: Punch Fear in the Face. Incredible book to jump-start the life you want to live by the inspiring and always hilarious Jon Acuff.

BE TWEETERS (ready made tweets, just click to tweet):

When talking about courage, it's important to talk about strength too.

Being courageous involves having a strong and undaunted mind.

Holding on to God-given moments of faithfulness will keep you courageous.

Sharing your story will provide courage and freedom to others.

BE LOADED UP (free downloads):

Here are this week’s printable, phone wallpaper and Instagram/Pinterest pics! Use #BeCourageous and#bestillbefree when posting!

BE COURAGEOUS-PRINTABLE-01BE COURAGEOUS-SQUARE-01BE COURAGEOUS-WALLPAPER-01BE TOGETHER (creating discussion in the comments): What is one area God is asking you to be courageous in?  What's one thing you can do this week to take one step in courage? Leave us a comment below, reply to others' comments and let us know what God is speaking to you about being courageous!


The Courage to Continue


Victory in Jesus (Alone!)