In Case You Need a Big Dose of Laughter
Listen to this week's podcast, BE FUN-PART DEUX, by clicking here!
A MESSAGE FROM MONICA:You know what I value almost more than anything? (Besides a fierce devotion to our Lord, natch.) FUNNY.In the spirit of our Be Fun week, we decided to keep with the "switch up" concept and do something different with today's post. Since we spent all of the podcast laughing, we might as well laugh all week...can I get an amen?Amen.Instead of a written post today, below you will find links to some funny things. Hilarious things. Things to watch or listen to that are guaranteed to make you laugh -- that kind of laugh where there isn't any noise the first few seconds, and then tears start streaming down your face. And when you do make the noiseless-tears-streaming laughter, I'll be so sad I'm not there to silent-laugh-and-cry with you.(I also value laughing with people.)So grab your Slurpee or coffee or whathaveyou and sit back and enjoy.(Oh, you might want to make sure you're not at the library or anything. They tend to frown on guffaws at places like that.)1. Bradley Cooper and Jimmy Fallon on The Tonight Show. Seriously, nothing makes me laugh harder than watching grown men laugh so hard they cry. This is an uncut video of the two of them trying desperately to talk seriously, and they cannot get it together. I heart every second of these nine minutes. (Yes, they could not pull it together for an entire nine minutes.)2. Liz Curtis Higgs on Focus on the Family. I can tell you from personal experience that Liz is one of the funniest speakers I've ever heard in person. And this broadcast from earlier this week is so funny.3. The Big Boo Cast. This is my most favorite podcast ever (the Be-Cast aside...ahem). It's basically like eavesdropping on two friends having a normal, everyday conversation...and it never fails that I. die. laughing. every single time. The best part is it's family-friendly and has become something my daughter and I listen to together. And die laughing. Together. (Values.)4. Haunted House Scare Reactions. Listen, there's nothing I despise more than a Haunted House. I cannot stand anything remotely scary or freaky or the like. But this here is simply pictures taken of participants in a Haunted House being scared by who-knows-what...and their reactions are priceless. P-r-i-c-e-l-e-s-s, I tell you!5. Pinterest, You Are Drunk. This website is awesome. The site tagline says it all: Y'all are going a bit overboard over there. I'm here to help. PYAD basically either makes fun of some of the whack ideas you find on Pinterest, or shows major, major Pinterest fails. Guaranteed to make you laugh ( and be sure to pay close attention to headlines and category tags).
What has tickled your fancy lately you can share with us? Leave a comment below and share the joy! For the love of all that's funny, share it! I value you AND your funny.