When Conquering Depression Takes a Village


Listen to this week's podcast, Conquering Depression, by clicking here!

A MESSAGE FROM SARA:Usually we post a new blog on Wednesdays as a little letter from one of us gals over here at Be Still Be Free. However, today, in respect to the recent passing of Robin Williams, we have decided to keep it short.  In this series, Be Well and Thrive, we have tried to just get real and be raw with ourselves, each other, and with you. We know that life is hard and is full of obstacles. Sometimes we have the mojo to take the challenge and excel; sometimes it feels as if the challenge has taken us…to the pit! Please, please know this…Just because you are a believer does not mean that you don’t need help in the tough times. We all need grace thrown at our feet throughout our lives. As Monica has said, “It’s okay to not be okay!” BUT when we find that we are stuck in the “not okay”, it is time to reach out for help. If you are not a believer, we would urge you to consider asking our Jesus to be your Lord and Savior. Please let us introduce you to Christ. Today, we gals are praying a circle around the Williams family. But in addition to that, we are going to pray a circle around our listeners that God would move in your heart if you are hurting and that you would reach out for help. And know that you can start here! For real…contact us or Tracy.  We are here for you. Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety.

Without good direction, people lose their way; the more wise counsel you follow, the better your chances. (Proverbs 11:14)



Kick Off the House Shoes and Lace Up Your Boots!


Be-Cast Episode 44: CONQUERING DEPRESSION, PART 1 (Be Well and Thrive)