SAVED A SEAT-01We saved a seat for you.The coffee is hot and the couch is well-worn and broken in, just waiting for you. So skootch in close and put your feet up, and (after a moment of stillness) jump in and share everything that's churning in your heart, weighing on your mind and stirring in your soul.We are desperate for your words.This past year has been spent with us broadcasting our voices to you, with us unable to see the nods of your heads and the sounds of your amens. We've been unable to hear what moves you, what challenges you, what encourages you, what frustrates you.And we're tired of hearing ourselves talk.So the couch has gotten bigger, the coffee stronger and the conversation livelier. And all we need is you.We're throwing open wide the doors of this place and inviting you in as a trusted friend and confidante. We're asking you to chime in and add your harmony to the symphony, making it richer and broader and more melodic.As you know, each Monday we air a podcast on a specific topic...and each Wednesday we add a personal story that explores that week's topic more deeply.And that's where you come in.We're now hosting blog linkups for you to add your weight in words to Be Still Be Free. Just listen to the Monday podcast, read the weekly Wednesday post, and then write your own blog post about that topic (in any way, shape and doesn't have to be directly tied) and then link up. It's super easy and uncomplicated.And necessary. It's so, so necessary.We're also stealing a page out of the old Five Minute Friday playbook; we're going to ask you visit the post linked before you and leave a comment.Friends sipping coffee, passing books around the couch, highlighting our favorite sections and reading them aloud. Just like that. But virtual.We hope you'll feel free to link up and share the raw, vulnerable and creative truth that wells up in you. We know as you do, you will bless others way beyond your wildest imagination. It's the first step in Being Together...really and truly together.And we cannot wait to sit next to you, feet up and our heads resting on your shoulder as you do.Have you participated in blog linkups before? Has it made you a better friend and listener? We'd love to hear your experiences...share below!


Be-Cast Episode 56: BE STILL (The Best of Be)


Honor Doesn't Care How You Feel