CURRENTLY (An Update).


Normally, this is the time of the new year where we at Be Still Be Free kick off a new podcast series, and outline plans for the upcoming few months. A whole calendar with new episodes, a schedule, recording dates, all of it.


We celebrated our 7th year of podcasting in October, and once we finished our Walking from Bondage to Breakthrough series, we took our normal pause for the holidays. But then, suddenly, our “normally” didn’t feel like a good fit for this season.

The long and short of it is — we’re taking a podcast break right now, friends. Until God leads otherwise, we’re pausing on recording. We don’t know for how long, but we know it’s for now. The good news is we have over 225 episodes you can go back and catch up on or even re-listen to!

In lieu of podcasting for this season, Be Still Be Free is kicking it old school. We’re going to continue sharing devotions here each month (probably not daily, but there will definitely be a theme for each month). We’re also planning to go back to some good old-fashioned blogging to give you room to read at your leisure, and to think, journal and pray.

The heart of Be has always been to give you space to exhale, breathe and feel freedom. And after the year and season all of us are coming off of, we think it’s desperately needed. We’re switching up the how of our mission, just for right now, but never the why.

Make sure to follow us here and make sure to sign up for our emails here at website (enter your email right on the homepage). Please do continue to comment and reach out to us still… we love hearing from you so much!

And can we make a suggestion? Now more than ever we have to be intentional about protecting our minds, hearts, souls and spaces. So maybe as you prepare for God to launch you into your purpose for 2021, let go of the things that cause confusion, chaos, discontent and lack of self-control:

  • Quit following social media influencers that encourage you to buy, buy, buy if you're trying to watch your spending.

  • Quit watching TV (news or not) that feeds roots of anger and bitterness and harden your heart.

  • Get rid of the things that no longer fit — be it clothes, habits, even sometimes relationships.

  • Unsubscribe from emails and unfollow people that make you look around your life with sudden discontentment, making you feel less than and unworthy.

We know from experience, when these things are removed, you’ll suddenly find margin for your mind to wander and your soul to hear from God. This then creates an outward stillness and quietness that your soul has been thirsting after and you may not have even realized it was.

Thank you for being such an encouraging group of friends. We love you!


