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A MESSAGE FROM AMBER:Preparing for this series was tough. There never seemed to be enough time to really hunker down and focus and be totally undistracted.Surely you've experienced this before?The night before recording, I was worried and anxious, trying to get it wrapped up in my mind.As I was falling asleep I heard God saying to me, “Don’t worry about this any more tonight. When you wake up in the morning I want you to focus on these three words: Heart. Soul. Mind. Goodnight….”I woke up in the morning and it. was. finished.The Title: LOVE GOD IN THE RHYTHMS OF GRACE.Have you ever thought about what it means to love God with your heart, soul, & mind? There’s a rhythm to loving God, actually.Let’s break it down.Think about your heartbeat:

  • How persistent it is
  • How vital to life it is
  • How you use it to measure your health and physical well-being

Our Love of God should be the same:

  • Persistent
  • Vital to life
  • A measurement of our health and spiritual well-being

What does it mean to love God with all of your soul?The Greek word used for “soul” in this verse is actually literally translated to mean “breath.” People perceive your life by your breath -- haven't you heard someone say, "He took his last breath?"Our love of God is the same. To love God with all your soul means that with every breath you take, the people around you are experiencing the presence of God. It’s like Matt Redman’s song “Never Once”:

Every breath we’ll be breathing in your grace. And ever more we’ll be breathing out your praise.

The rhythm of your soul was always designed to be this! 

Inhale GraceExhale Praise

But then Jesus says… To love God with all of your MIND… Where’s the rhythm?There isn’t necessarily a rhythm to your mind the way there is your heart and your breath… But it certainly sets the tempo for the other two.I love Stephen C. Meyer’s quote: “The heart cannot exalt what the mind rejects.”It’s so true! If your mind is not centered and focused on God… how can you expect your heart to beat to his rhythm or your soul to step in line?Listen to your heartbeat. Close your eyes and take a deep breath, and THINK about what it TRULY means to love God with everything you have.

InhaleExhale InhaleExhale InhaleExhale

Love God in the rhythms of grace.Of GRACE.His Grace -- grace so amazing and so divine.Want to dig into this topic more? Check out the Be Together Small Group Bible Study on Be Loved and Live. It includes deeper levels of understanding, discussion and practical application. Get your copy today!BE LOVED PROMO AD-01

