[audio mp3="http://www.bestillbefree.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/BE-CAST-EPISODE-72-BE-MISSIONAL-WRAP-UP.mp3"][/audio]


“Being Missional” can be a complicated concept when you work at a church. Isn’t it literally my job to Be Missional? … Every. Single. Day. Yeah, actually it is. But that doesn’t mean that God allows me to sit lazily in my comfort zone because my office is comprised of walls that also make up a place of worship.

Here’s what Being Missional looks like for me right now:

On January 2 of this year, my family and I went on a three-mile hike together. While the rest of the family ventured off, Andy and I found a boulder with a view and began setting our goals for the new year. It was a really beautiful time for the two of us to discuss what God had taught us in 2014 and what we felt he was calling us to in 2015.

We had an array of goals we shared with one another, individual as well as family. But, we decided that our focus for 2015 needed to be on two specific things.

  1. To have an open home. (Living a life that welcomes others into it and providing a place where they can feel at home.)
  2. To have a baby.

I shared with Andy that God had put a verse on my heart that was to be our verse for 2015:

“Behold I am doing a new thing.” (Isaiah 43:19)

I will always cherish that precious moment with Andy… Especially since, at the time, neither of us knew I was already pregnant.

We’re now half way through 2015 and I have to say that Being Missional today looks very different from any other mission I’ve ever had in life.

I am still so committed and in love with the work I am able to contribute to the church. But the reality is, that my MISSION is to fulfill those two callings that God placed on Andy and I at the beginning of the year.

There have been times where it was difficult to be obedient to the calling of opening my home to others. Especially when the nausea doesn’t go away after 12 weeks! (All those pregnancy books are liars!)

But, I can honestly say that I’ve never felt so much peace in my life. Being Missional doesn’t mean fulfilling some life-risking assignment where your goal is to win the heart of millions. Not really.

Being Missional means being obedient.

Wherever God calls you.

Whatever God calls you to do.

For me, that meant opening my home and carrying a child. For you it could mean comforting widows, encouraging your husband, or even traveling to Nepal.

I’m finally beginning to learn that the work I do in my living room isn’t any less valuable than the work I do inside the church walls. In fact, it may even be more important. More foundational than anything else I’ll ever do.

Wherever God is calling you to be a missionary, be obedient there. Your heart will never be more whole than when you are fulfilling God’s calling.

Is God calling you to a new mission in this season of your life? How is your mission different from your job? Or are they the same? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

Looking for a new small group study? Check out the Be Together Small Group Bible Study on Be Loved and Live. It includes deeper levels of understanding how God wants us to truly love, honest discussion and practical application. Get your copy today!



