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As I write this, it’s Friday and I am so excited! Friday’s are like a little gift wrapped up with a bow for me. It’s the day we all exhale and it’s as though I can feel the weight lifted off of everyone’s shoulders in this little family. School is out for 2 days, work is not knocking at the door, and even though the weekend might be filled with several to-do’s or places to be, most likely we are doing it together in some sort of fashion. Time…I adore quality time. Plus Amber has posted her Be Free Friday segment which I am sure to love.

Don’t you just love the Be Free Friday videos? I think they're my favorite. One of the reasons I think I LOVE them so stinkin’ much is because they are just a simple reflection of who we all are. Some days I might have on make up or not, hair down or up, etc. But I just come as I am, as do Monica and Amber. Finally I feel as if I am reaching the place (though it has taken me decades of wondering) where I am more okay with just being me.

This series that kicks off today is all about Being You! And it just might be one of my favorite series yet. It’s real…it’s personal…it hits a cord with each of us and has been something we have and still do struggle with. So, with week one, I felt that a great place to start in talking about the “who we are” of Being You, was finding out who we are in God! If we don’t have the truth of who we are in our hearts, then what we think to be true will just swing back and forth on the never-ending pendulum of I like me and I like me not. It’s like plucking the petals off a beautiful flower until there are no petals left.

The Bible, our truth, is very clear about who we are. We are crafted uniquely and beautifully; saved -- oh praise Jesus we are saved -- from the despair of an eternity without Him. And because of who we are in Christ, we are beautiful.

But the most amazing and beautiful truth is that we are LOVED. For without love, not other truth would exist. Take a few minutes to read the notes of our podcast below. Put these truths in your heart and please print off the list of Who You Are’s from Joyce Meyer in the resources!

Love you friends…

Be in the Word:

I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are they works; and that my soul knoweth right well. (Psalm 139:14)

For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. (Ephesians 2:8-9)

For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving. (I Timothy 4:4)

Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. (John 15:13)

Be Doers, Not Just Hearers of the Word:

Below in the list of resources is a link to Knowing Who I am in Christ by Joyce Meyer. Get a dry erase marker and each week write a new truth of who you are on your mirror. Read it out loud each time you are at the mirror. The only way to change the way we believe is to change the way we think. The truth will set us free, sister! And truth is the Word. There are almost 40-50 truths in this one resource, so, almost every week for a year you can put write the truth on your heart and really see Who You Are in Christ!

Be Educated:

  1. Knowing Who I Am in Christ by Joyce Meyer
  2. How to Succeed at Being Yourself by Joyce Meyer
  3. Becoming Myself: Embracing God’s Dream of You by Stasi Eldredge. Becoming Myself is a hope-filled book for anyone who wonders if her life will ever change—if she will ever change.In Stasi Eldredge’s most intimate book yet, she shares her own struggles with self-worth, weight, and her past as she shows readers how God is faithfully unveiling who we truly are.

What do you think so far about the Be Who You Are series? What do you struggle with to accept about yourself? We'd love to hear from you...share a comment below!


