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I'm not one of those people who makes resolutions at the beginning of every new year, or even has one-word for the year. I sometimes have goals (I always have prayers), but I usually am a bit laid-back when it comes to theming the new year. So as 2015 came grinding to a halt and the new year unexpectedly rounded the corner, imagine my surprise when all I could think about was a phrase for my new year. 

Be Weightless.

It rattled around in my head like a nickel stuck in the dryer, and with it came a verse I've long-admired but rarely meditated on:

"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, we must get rid of every weight and the sin that clings so closely, and run with endurance the race set out for us." (Hebrews 12:1, NET)

The parts I bolded are the parts I couldn't shake. And after digging into the verse a little more, I became struck by the original Greek definitions of a few words in particular:

- Weight means whatever is prominent, bulky, heavy, encumbering, oppressive

- Us is the Greek word ego...I, me, my

I began mulling over these phrases and words and started asking myself a few questions: What are the prominent beliefs in my mind that have become bulky, cumbersome and oppressive? What is it I need to get rid of in order to accomplish a few clear goals this year? What is my race? Not yours, not hers, certainly not his -- but mine? The one God already determined for me long ago?

It's time, it seemed God was saying, to get this show on the road already, sister.

As I began to cheer God and say, Yes! I am so in! there came along with my cheers floods of memories I had long buried. Memories of words -- toxic words -- spoken to me or over me at various times in my life. Words like,

You aren't really supposed to be here.


You're not as smart as the rest of us.


You're not creative enough for this place.


You're really not a writer.

and a slew of other things related to my physicality. 

There are more, but you get the idea. The internal dialogue deep in my heart is littered with criticism and fear, and I see now, for good reason. The moment these things were spoken, I accepted them and approved them and buried them deep in the soil of my soul. And everything that sprouted forth from then on grew to look exactly like my beliefs and thought patterns from long, long ago. 

As these words came pouring back into my psyche, it was as if my life flashed before my eyes and I saw how each of these words became the exact walls I would erect anytime I came close to crossing the finish line of any particular race. I would get just close enough to the goal, then subconsciously believe any number or combination of these words and just before breaking the ribbon. Instead I would come to a grinding halt, stand there staring blankly for a minute, then turn around and saunter with my head down back to the starting line.

Watching these scenes replay again and again and again left me like a deer in headlights. I was scared and dumbfounded and not sure what just happened. And then, I became really angry. And sometimes (when it doesn't turn to sin), anger can be a catalyst for you to get totally fed up with the piddly schemes of the enemy and bravely make a change. So the first night of this new year, I did just that.

I holed up in my room and with a clear mind and open heart. First, I wrote down every single thing I could remember said to me that left a great impact. I asked God to bring to mind anything I had forgotten and scribbled them all down on scraps of paper and made a small stack. Then, one by one, I prayed over each scrap and declared that in the name of Jesus it no longer held any power over me. I spoke truth over each lie, and asked God to break that belief in me. Finally, with great gusto and glee, I ripped each scrap of paper up into tiny shreds and literally got rid of them.

This is the year, my friends, that I become renewed and shed the weights. It's the year that subconscious, unhealthy and toxic thinking comes to an end, and I become transformed in every way by renewing my mind. 

Renewing of the mind doesn't come about by happenstance, or just wishing it into being. It comes about by submission to the work of the Spirit, and by intentionally doing the work of eliminating toxicity from our mindsets. As Dr. Caroline Leaf says,

"Even though toxic thought can cause brain damage, prayer can reverse that damage and cause the brain and body to thrive."

Is that not amazing?? I challenge you this week to identify the ways you are stuck in a negative mindset, and begin the work to renew your minds. Check out the practical applications below as a way to get started, and then ask the Lord to show you any additional ways that would be beneficial for you. I shared in the recent Be Free Friday a way that helped me immensely, if you want to check that out.

Let's commit to being renewed in 2016 so that we may run our races with endurance...never quitting, never giving up. 

BE IN THE WORD (this week’s verses):

Do not allow this world to mold you in its own image. Instead, be transformed from the inside out by renewing your mind. As a result, you will be able to discern what God wills and whatever God finds good, pleasing, and complete. (Romans 12:2)

Be renewed in the spirit of your minds. (Ephesians 4:23)

Set your mind on things above. (Colossians 3:2)

Think on things that are good, true, noble, lovely, admirable, virtuous and praiseworthy. (Philippians 4:8)

As you think in your heart, so are you. (Proverbs 23:7)

We have the mind of Christ. (1 Corinthians 2:16)

Think of God through the watches of the night. (Psalm 63:6)

Be stimulated to wholesome thinking. (2 Peter 3:1)

Keep your mind steadfast, trusting in God. (Isaiah 26:3)

Set your mind to gain understanding. (Daniel 10:12)

Love the Lord with all your mind. (Matthew 22:37)

Govern your mind by the Spirit. (Romans 8:6)

BE EDUCATED (additional resources):

Here is a list of resources we referenced in the podcast, as well as a few others:

1. The Renewed Mind and How to Have It by John Piper.

2. Renew Your Mind and Change Your Life by Joyce Meyer.

3. The Renewing of the Mind Project: Going to God for Help with Your Habits, Goals, and Emotions by Barb Raveling.

4. Renewing Your Mind: Become More Like Christ by Neil Anderson.

5. The Mind Connection: How the Thoughts You Choose Affect Your Mood, Behavior and Decisions by Joyce Meyer.

6. How Prayer Affects the Brain by Dr Caroline Leaf.

7. Perfectly You Online Program by Dr. Caroline Leaf.

BE DOERS, NOT JUST HEARERS (practical application): 

1. Submit to the Holy Spirit. Let Him do His part first. Intentionally pray and surrender yourself to His renewing work, and ask Him point-blank to renew your mind.

2. Take Out the Garbage. You have to empty out the junk before you can fill your mind with truth. So take out the garbage! Get rid of the books, music, shows, people, etc that fill your mind with lies, gossip, slander, negativity, depression, anger – all of it. Is there a person in your life where every time you talk to them it’s all sad trombones and Eeyore? Be kind, but let them go and keep it brief. Toxicity breeds toxicity.

3. Put Truth In. Read your Bible. Listen to songs packed with truth. Find sermons or podcasts from Bible-preaching pastors (not just feel-good pastors, but truth-preaching ones. Be careful!) and soak in as much as possible.

4. Ask for Accountability. I don’t know that we ask for people to hold us accountable anymore – but it’s vital to any successful endeavor. When someone is holding you accountable to your marriage, to business, to exercise, whatever – it gives you incentive to take it more seriously. So find a friend and tell them you’re determined to be renewed in your mind and ask them to check in on you. It’ll make a world of difference.


BE FREE FRIDAY #23 (Be Authentic)


BE FREE FRIDAY #22 (Be Weightless)