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I read an analogy while preparing for this podcast that I thought was pretty interesting, especially for the day we live in. The author equated renewing ourselves to that of a smart phone getting a software update. And what I thought was interesting was that he noted that only one software system can be installed at a time. Our New Man software system is the Holy Spirit ,and does require system updates after He has been installed. What a great analogy really. There are so many little arms and legs that could grow from that concept, but it truly makes the idea of putting on the new man make simple sense. Now if only it was that easy to live out! I mean really, I wish when I had gotten saved that my mind would have been erased from all the little dirty habits I had and the fleshly bents that seem so easy for me to fall back into the habit of. Choosing to live in the “new” is a daily choice for me because if not I will be living out the “old” more than the “new.”
But here’s the redemption: even if we do struggle with our own “device” glitches, the software is the same and never changes. The Holy Spirit is not going to all of sudden unload himself and leave us pray to viruses and bugs. No, he is going to be a permanent part of our journey and is there to empower us, enable us, and engage with us as we continually renew our minds and put on the “new.” We need not worry or fear or feel completely defeated. Satan would have us believe that God turns His back on us and could not love us through our mistakes and sins. But sister, He knew what we would struggle with even as He sent His son to hang on the cross for our sins. He knew we would struggle when He made the decision to offer His son as redemption for our sins so our relationship with Him could be restored. He knew that we would struggle when He chose us to go into all the world and share the gospel. Nothing we do surprises Him. He knew we could not do it without the indwelling of the Holy Ghost. So if you are one of those geeky gals that loves software updates and gadgets, then you should really love the idea of a system update that is eternal and could never be improved upon. And if you are not a geeky gal (like myself), be excited that you do not have to worry about installing new software over and over, because I would be stressed out all the time wondering if I did it right. There is rest in our salvation that it is neither of us nor is it for our glory. It is all about God. It is all about His glory and His redemption. Praise Jesus he is my master IT support!
BE IN THE WORD (this week's verses):
And have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge after the image of its creator. (Colossians 3:10)
BE EDUCATED (additional resources):
1. Guidelines for Holy Living by Dr. Ralph F. Wilson
2. Our New Identity in Christ, Understanding the New Self
3. Becoming the Woman I Want to Be: A 90-Day Journey to Renewing Spirit, Soul & Body
BE DOERS, NOT JUST HEARERS (practical application):
- What do you need to work on putting “off” in your life? How does the old man creep in and rear his ugly head in your life? Identify those things and commit them to prayer as well as make a decision to put them off. It’s hard work breaking habits…but habits can be broken.
- What putting “on” attributes do you need to work on? Again, pick one or two that you will work specifically at improving.
- Has your salvation been more about getting out of hell free or has it been about a transformation and renewing? Be honest because the answer could be proof of the condition of your heart and maybe even your soul. Perhaps you need to speak with someone about the lack of joy in your life and really search your heart.