EPISODE 103: EVE (Be Enough Series)

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Eve “Matriarch of all Kings”


  • Born in the Garden of Eden as an adult formed of a rib of Adam and fashioned by God
  • Married To Adam
  • Children Cain, Able and Seth and several others not mentioned.
  • Mother of all mankind
  • Mother of all sin – tempted by Satan to attain more knowledge and thus ate of the tree of knowledge and then leading Adam to do the same.
  • 4 Names:

1. Woman which means Man-ess Gen 2:23

2. Ezer In English, the word “help” has a broad range of connotations. “Help” can refer to a simple, modest act, or it can refer to something much more vital and significant. An example of vital help is the assistance provided by doctors. In Hebrew, the word for “helper” used in Genesis 2:18 and 20 is ezer (pronounced “ay-zer”), and it is always and only used in the Old Testament in the context of vitally important and powerful acts of rescue and support. Ezer describes aspects of God’s character: he is our strength, our rescuer, our protector, and our help! And ezer was the Holy Spirit’s choice of word to describe the first woman. Eve was someone who would provide valuable and vital strength and assistance to Adam. (New Life Article)

3. Adam -- God calls them both Adam to perhaps signify the oneness husband and wife were to have.

4. Eve -- (Gen 3:20) Mother of all living things; life-giver given by Adam after the fall (interesting that he gives her a name that is more descriptive of her prophetic calling then the fact that she brought sin and death upon all.  He could have given her a name that represented death).


  • “The temptation was not in itself the wish to transgress, but the will to possess; the transgression is merely a means.... If the tempter had said, ‘Steal,’ he would not have been listened to for a moment. But he did not say, ‘Steal!’; he says, ‘Speculate!’ ... Temptation since the days of Eden has never ceased to clothe itself in a seemly garment.” George Matheson

BE IN THE WORD (This Week's Verses):

"For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well." (Psalm 139:13-14)

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous.Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9)

"Be careful what you think. Your thoughts run your life." (Proverbs 4:23)

"For God has not given you the spirit of fear but of power and love and of sound mind." (2 Tim 1:7)

BE DOERS, NOT JUST HEARERS (Practical Application):

1. First, be honest…do you struggle with feeling like you are not enough? Identify those areas that you struggle. Write them all down. Then next to them write a truth…it can be a Bible verse or a word of truth. The goal is to rework our language and change our thoughts.

2. Is Satan tempting you somewhere in your life? Have you consulted anyone as to what you should do? Find someone who you can trust to consult and talk about what might be tempting you.

3. Write out a scripture that is truth you need to hear and post it everywhere. Again, this is so you can change your language and thoughts.

4. Do you know someone who is struggling being enough? If so, how can you come along side that person?  A note? Prayer? What does it look like and move to action.

BE EDUCATED (Additional Resources):

1. About Eve: Bible Gateway. Bible Gateway takes us through some of the very important and interesting facts of Eve’s life. She carried the burden of being the “first” of learn about Eve in a way you might not have thought of her. Let her teach us and grow us. And one day walk with her woman to woman together and not in judgement. many things.

2. A Suitable Helper. Have you ever struggled with the idea as a woman as being a helper?  Have you thought that makes you lesser than men or make you feel subservient? Perhaps the modern-day ideals of feminism have turned you from wanting to embrace the idea of being a “suitable” helper. Take a look at this article on Newlife and widen your perspective on just exactly how special this concept of being a helper really is and how it could even reshape the way you see yourself in the life of your husband.

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BE FREE FRIDAY #70 - God in the Ordinary


BE FREE FRIDAY #69 - Shifting Our Perspectives