EPISODE 110: RAHAB (Be Redeemed Series)

[buzzsprout episode='483420' player='true']BE IN THE WORD (This Week's Verses):

See Joshua 2 for the complete story of Rahab

The city and all who are in it will be destroyed completely as an offering to Him, except for the prostitute Rahab and those who are with her in her house. Her life will be spared as a reward for sheltering our two spies. (Joshua 6:17)

But Joshua spared the life of Rahab the prostitute, all her family, and all she had because she was faithful to the spies he had sent, and she lived among the Israelites from that day on. (Joshua 6:25)

By faith the prostitute Rahab welcomed the Hebrew spies into her home so that she did not perish with the unbelievers. (Hebrews 11:31)

Even Despite her scandalous past and multitude of sins, Rahab went from being a woman used by men to a woman who influenced men and forged a new family tree of holiness. the prostitute was made right with God by hiding the spies and aiding in their escape. (James 2:25)

BE EDUCATED (Additional Resources):

  1. Rahab :: Women of the Bible. Bible Gateway has a great background and detailed description of Rahab and her life.
  1. Jewish Women’s Archive. Another great perspective on Rahab.
  1. Bad Girls of the Bible by Liz Curtis Higgs. Rahab is included in her book, but this blog post gives a good overview of her life.

BE DOERS, NOT JUST HEARERS (Practical Application):

  1. Who has come to your door? Rahab had two spies literally come up to her door asking for help. Who has God brought to your door to have you help? Instead of being annoyed or frustrated by it, recognize that maybe they are instrumental in a work God is doing, and that maybe you get to be an important part of the narrative now. Be grateful for it.
  1. How can you be bold? Rahab was willing to risk her life to help the two spies, and was again willing to ask for them to spare her and her entire family. Where do you need some boldness in your life? Who do you maybe need to put yourself on a limb for…or who do you need to humble yourself to ask for help from? Be a Rahab and be willing to be bold.

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