[buzzsprout episode='490884' player='true']RAHAB EPISODE:
1. Do you truly feel redeemed from your past? So often we let the dark clouds of our past prevent us from seeing a better future for ourselves. We’re convinced that our sin was too much, too dark, too ugly and that God truly couldn’t bring anything good from it. Maybe it’s sexual sins like Rahab…or maybe it’s something else as equally oppressive. Read Joshua 2 and 6 entirely. Highlight any key verses that speak to your heart, and journal your response to God about it.
2. Fill in your blank. Now, take the verse from James 2:25 and fill in your details to make it personal:
Even Rahab the prostitute was made right with God by hiding the spies and aiding in their escape. (James 2:25)
Even YOUR NAME the SIN was made right with God by ACTION. (James 2:25)
(Example: Even Monica the self-loather was made right with God by choosing to believe the truth about how God felt about her.
1. Take a moment to prayerfully consider how your day-to-day life would look differently if you actually lived like you were a royal priestess...an heiress awaiting a beautiful inheritance!
2. Write down the qualities of a kinsman redeemer and remind yourself that Jesus has promised to be those things for you.
1. Make a list of 3 or 4 times that you did not obey God or might have chosen an easy way out. Now identify how God redeemed you through that decision. How he should his mercy…didn’t give you what you deserved. So often we focus on what went wrong or what we did wrong that we miss the opportunity to worship God through His redeeming grace.
2. Over the next week, write down each time you want to give someone what they deserve…a piece of your mind, taking something away, the silent treatment. Now have mercy on them as God has on you; how He did on Sarah. "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and soul and might; Love your neighbor as yourself." (Matthew 22:37-39)
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