Be-Cast Episode 22: BE GENTLE


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So we're going to try something new this week! Today's post will house the podcast, verses, practical application, tweets and downloads -- but we're going to save the personal message and send it out separately on Wednesday, and then do additional resources on Friday. I know we're switching things up on you -- but we feel you've been gifted with the Spirit of Bamboo can totally roll with it. (Grin)We hope you enjoy this week's podcast!THIS WEEK'S VERSES:

Blessed are the meek and gentle—they will inherit the earth. (Matthew 5:5)

Be humble. Be gentle. Be patient. Tolerate one another in an atmosphere thick with love. (Ephesians 4:2)

Who in your community is understanding and wise? Let his example, which is marked by wisdom and gentleness, blaze a trail for others. (James 3:13)

A gentle answer turns away wrath, but harsh words cause quarrels. (Proverbs 15:1)

PRACTICAL APPLICATION:1. Practice Gentleness. Make a concerted effort this week to choose to respond with gentleness in a potentially harsh situation. It could be with a co-worker, spouse, child, boss. Keep the visual of the large hammer breaking a walnut in your mind – breaking the shell without flattening the nut.2. Write it out. Write out this sentence in a journal or notecard each morning until it becomes part of your inner script you can pull up when needed: “Gentleness is having the right, the power and authority to do something but choosing to bring it under control to fulfill a higher good.”READY-MADE TWEETS:Gentleness is like someone holding a teeny-tiny delicate flower in their palms.Gentleness is not weakness, but strength under control.Gentleness is not just meekness, but wholly relying on God's strength.DOWNLOADS:Download this week's wallpaper, printable and Instagram/Pinterest graphic! (And a 3" x 5" card is included with the quote from Pastor Cheong to print and keep in your car!)BE GENTLE-PRINTABLE-01BE GENTLE-SQUARE-01BE GENTLE-WALLPAPER-01GENTLENESS QUOTE-01


The Gentleness of God


Be-Cast Episode 21: BE HOSPITABLE