Be-Cast Episode 5: BE CONTENT
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“You’re blessed when you’re content with just who you are—no more, no less. That’s the moment you find yourselves proud owners of everything that can’t be bought." (Matthew 5:5, The Message)
"But godliness with contentment is great gain." (1 Timothy 6:6)
"And don't be wishing you were someplace else or with someone else. Where you are right now is God's place for you. Live and obey and love and believe right there." (1 Corinthians 7:17, The Message)
"Therefore, I am well content with weaknesses, insults, distress, persecutions, difficulties for Christ's sake; for when I am weak, then I am strong." (2 Corinthians 12:10)
Happy Monday everyone!I (Sara) cannot believe another week has passed already and we are meeting up again today.Last week we talked about being honest and how what we say to ourselves is either laced in truth or lies. Honesty is not necessarily what we speak out loud, it’s what we speak inside -- beyond what we can convince others of. Rather, it's what we convince ourselves of.This week, we are talking about being content. And girls, let me tell you this: satan has attacked me this week exactly where it hurts:
- I think my hips grew three inches this week
- I gained what feels like 10 pounds
- My character was attacked
- I had two bad estrogen patches that were bad which shorted me almost a week of hormones and because of crazy insurance I couldn’t get my next refill until today (and trust me when I tell you that those patches have saved my life)
- I’ve doubted myself
- Been short tempered around the house
- Have had anxiety about a surgery I am having on Wednesday
Now I'm supposed to sit down and write about being content?! I’m sweating just thinking about it. But it is the very proof to any of you that read these blogs or listen to our podcast that we are just normal people living out all of this with every single one of you. This idea of being is such a journey and not a destination. And even though I know the right answers, believing those truths is not so easy sometimes. And so, I am reminded of what we talk about on the podcast today:
Being content is more than a feeling or an emotion. It a mindset…a way of thinking.
Here is the meaning of content:
The Greek word for content is eudokeo. Eu=good, well; dekeo=to think. This literally means to think good and so to be pleased or delighted.I can think good even though I do not feel good. (tweet that)The goal here is to learn to elevate our minds above our circumstances. This is what Paul was referring to when he spoke about being content in whatever circumstance he was in. He knew that even though the circumstance was hard, God was taking Him somewhere He wanted Paul to be…making him more into the person He wanted Paul to be and that is what gave Paul the hope and contentment.I want to leave you all with this article I found online from Tom Fuller Pastor of Calvary Chapel Newburg:
“When we experience new life in Jesus Christ we might think a change in our external appearance, position, or circumstances will make us more useful to the Master. But you might just miss out on one of the greatest opportunities available to you. There is no need to make radical changes. The real need is to reflect Christ wherever you are and let the internal changes He is making shine out. I know our tendency can be once we become a Christian to think that we need to quit our jobs and go to Africa or somewhere on the mission field and that's how we can be the best Christian. You might be called to drop everything and go to Africa, but make very sure that is what's happening and you are not simply responding to what you think would make you more holy and useful. Part of Paul's message is that your mission field is right before you, among your friends, family, co-workers, neighbors, and those you meet on the street doing your everyday stuff. It's the outward reflection of inward change that matters, not changing outward position or circumstances.”
Is that not freeing? It’s not about we do but about who we are. It’s not about our works but about our character. It’s about being the image of Christ…it’s Christ in us!And so, even though I am struggling with very real frustrations today, I will not be defined by those emotions and allow them to steal my joy (and oh that is so hard). Satan does not want you to have joy or peace that passes all understanding -- he absolutely does not want you to be content. He will do everything he can to keep you from that. So today, instead of begging God to change your circumstances, choose to think differently and elevate yourself.Please pray for me as I pray for you that God will help us see ourselves and our circumstances differently and that He will help us elevate our minds!Have a great week all of you!Sara
1. What "Pottery Barn Catalogs" can you throw away? What things in your life can you cut out in order to keep discontentment at bay? Monica stopped looking at her Pottery Barn Catalogs, and Sara stopped watching soap operas, because they recognized they were creating a sense of discontentment in their lives. What things can you stop looking at/doing/participating in that will help create more contentment in your mind.
2. Take the temperature of your relationships. Be honest about how your relationships with God, self, husband, kids, family, friends stand -- and identify places of discontentment in each of them
3. Pray daily. Pray each day that God would give you a spirit of contentment; that you will be still and be free in Him. Allow Him to do it in you. He will!
Print out this week's printable and post as a reminder to you to be content exactly where God has you.
1. The Circle Maker by Mark Batterson. This is the book Sara, Amber & Monica are reading together. And it's changing everything and increasing faith! Best of all, as of Sunday night the Kindle version was just $2.99, so hurry and get it!
2. Metamorphosis. This is the blog series Monica wrote about transformation. contentment something God is whispering to you to find right now? Despite your circumstances and situations, do you think you can decide to choose contentedness today? Let us know your thoughts by clicking the "Leave a comment" tab on the bottom right!