[buzzsprout episode='440097' player='true']Watch the video below, and scroll down for a list of our applications for you to review!BE MINDFUL OF YOUR TONGUE PERSONAL APPLICATIONS:
- Realize the tongue is powerful. Research what the Bible says about the tongue and own those truths. Ask God every morning to help you be mindful of it throughout the day.
- Find someone you trust and ask them their honest opinion about your speech and the things you say. Sometimes others see us differently than we see ourselves.
- Be aware of your tongue and work those habits into your everyday life (i.e., putting money in a jar every time you complain or say something negative; having a glass half full of water as a reminder of your tendency to see it half full or half empty).
- If a situation comes to mind where you could have possibly offended someone with your words, reach out and apologize to that person, even if it was a long time ago.
- Alternately, if there's someone who has made a positive impact on you, write them a note telling them how much they meant to you. Use your words to encourage and uplift.
- If there's someone close to you that you tend to be a little more critical or negative with, give them a code word they can say when you lean that direction as a red flag to you to watch your words.
- Identify the patterns/areas in your life where you have a hard time casting those things onto the Lord. For some casting large situations is hard, for some it’s the little things. Search your heart and past to find what’s the hardest for you and journal it.
Write a prayer of confession about it, and ask the Holy Spirit to highlight all the times moving forward when you fall back into that tendency. Ask Him to remind you that He wants you to let go of that burden and allow Him to sustain you.
- What is there in your life that you keep clinging to that you need to hurl and fling onto God? Is there a relationship? A circumstance? Identify one or more things that you need God to sustain you through and write it on a notecard.
While holding the notecard in your hand, pray over the situation. Tell the Lord you are opening your hands (literally open them), and allowing Him to bear the burden of it. Confess for times you’ve tried to take control of it.
Rip the card into pieces and literally fling them into the trash, or a fire, or out a window, or over a mountain. Ask God to be present with you and nourish you from this point forward. Ask Him to abide with you, support you and guide you from this point forward.
- Get an accountability partner to help hold you accountable to your relationships.
- In the morning, before you get out of bed, ask God to set you in right relationship to Him and see how your other relationships are affected.