DEVOTION: February 2

Understanding real, biblical love begins with our foundational concept of being still and knowing.

The Hebrew word for “know” in Psalm 46:10 is yada, and means to know, learn to know, perceive and see, find out and discern. It’s a term of discovery, of learning on the job, by experience. One way to know He is God is to be still and just start walking with Him. Invite Him into your all day, every day…into the minutes and hours and listen to His whisper and leading.

As you journey together, you learn who He is, you learn His heart. That He loves you – far deeper than a movie love and more poetic than a love song. That He’s gentle and holds your heart tenderly. That His love encompasses all colors beyond red and pink, it holds your blacks-and-blues too, and even holds them all together at once.

God is love. He IS. He doesn’t love only in the verb-tense as we do, rather it’s who He is. We are human and we love some people and all tacos and certain music. He IS love and He loves every single one of us while still being the full embodiment of love.

When we stop and are still, we begin to know, perceive and see, find out and discern on the job that He is love.

In other words, friend,


Have you ever really stopped to consider how God loves you? Can you look back and find times when He was flagrantly trying to display His love, but either you were too busy or too blind to see? Take some time to sit and remember, take some time to selah, and see how He loves you.

“Those who are loved by God, let his love continually pour from you to one another, because God is love.” (1 John 4:7, The Passion Translation)


DEVOTION: February 3


DEVOTION: February 1