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Welcome this week's very special guest, Anne Purcell! Anne's husband, Colonel Ben Purcell, served in the Korean War and in 1967, he was sent to Vietnam. While he was in Vietnam, Colonel Purcell was captured and held prisoner until 1973, when he was released.From the loss of a child, to 5 years of imprisonment with no communication with one another, Ben & Anne Purcell embody what it means to be bold and conquer.Colonel Purcell was all around an incredible human being; I had the privilege of knowing the Purcell family my whole life. Sadly Ben passed away April of last year at 85 years old but we are extremely honored and privileged to have his wife Anne Purcell here with us today to tell us their story!
BE IN THE WORD (this week’s verses):Don’t be anxious about things; instead, pray. Pray about everything. He longs to hear your requests,so talk to God about your needs and be thankful for what has come. And know that the peace of God (a peace that is beyond any and all of our human understanding) will stand watch over your hearts and minds in Jesus, the Anointed One. (Philippians 4:6-7)BE TWEETERS (ready-made tweets, just click to tweet):The normal routine of living had to go on. I had to do the things I had always depended on Ben to do. #BeBoldAndConquerI realized it wasn’t what you face that's important, but how you face it that matters. #BeBoldAndConquerAll I could do was wait a little longer...just a little longer. #BeBoldAndConquerWhen we found we had nothing left but God, we found God was enough. #BeBoldAndConquerBE DOERS, NOT JUST HEARERS OF THE WORD (practical application):At the end of Ben and Anne's book, they listed seven lessons they learned while dealing with this adversity. We thought these seven things make the best practical application possible. So this week, take note of these lessons and apply them yourself into the adversity you face:
- Ask God for help and trust His answer.
- Be a good listener.
- Enjoy laughing and help others to laugh.
- Be patient.
- Never lose hope. Hope shows God is at work.
- Keep busy helping others who have problems.
- When we found we had nothing left but God, we found God was enough.
BE EDUCATED (additional resources):1. Love & Duty by Ben and Anne Purcell. A former POW in North Vietnam describes his experiences in the camp, enduring hunger, torture, and the reality of death; his escape from the camp; and his wife's campaign back home to locate him and have him released.2. POW*MIA Advocacy Resource Link Center. A comprehensive website of resources available for supporters of the POW*MIA cause. BE TOGETHER (creating discussion in the comment, bottom right tab!):
Has Anne's story changed your perspective toward the adversity you face in your life? How has her testimony challenged you to be bold and conquer? Please let us hear your heart in the comments below!
BE LOADED UP (free downloads):Here are this week’s printable, phone wallpaper and Instagram & Pinterest pics! Use #BeBoldAndConquer and #bestillbefree when posting!