For you, friend.

I know you’re in the trenches and it’s dark. I know doubts and fears swirl relentlessly, and you are desperately searching for a pin-sized light in every cranny, nook and corner. Your questions are heavy—no struggle has felt this weighty, real, raw. You’re army-crawling your way through every minute, hour and day.

You’re sure that this is the time—right here, right now. Your doubts are too deep, your anger too rough and your fear too strong, and this time God has surely abandoned you. You’re convinced this is your fault, a result of some sin, your lack of faith.

You know, I know you do, these things aren’t true. But when you’re crawling, the pain is too real and resolute. It overwhelms any truth that resides in your heart. It eclipses attempts at comforting sentiments by caring friends who don’t know what to say.

But here’s what I want you to know: He knows.

He knows the true state of your heart even when you don’t. He knows the foundation of your faith is firm, even when you want to smash it to pieces. He knows your words that feel harsh are just pain manifested and He never holds it against you. In fact, He welcomes it, wants it. Unleash it all on Him because He cares for you. His yoke is easy. He will never abandon you.

Your crawling is very real and requires every bit of energy you have. You and God will be okay. You’ll always be okay. It may take you time to lament and pour it all out before you can embrace His presence. But He’s not worried. He’s patient, has nothing but time.

Believing in Jesus doesn’t give us a free pass on unbearable blows during our time on Earth. We can unexpectedly walk into devastatingly dark seasons, leaving us breathless and broken. If you’re in a crawling season now, there’s no words that will fix it. Instead, find burden-bearers to hold your arms up and to carry your prayers for you.

“Don’t panic. I’m with you. There’s no need to fear for I’m your God. I’ll give you strength. I’ll help you. I’ll hold you steady, keep a firm grip on you.” (Isaiah 41:10, The Message)


