Summer Breeze, Makes Us Feel Fine

It's that time of year, friends.

We like to call it our holy Be Chill and Know time; that time when we pause our podcasting to give our minds and spirits time to reconnect with God, our families, our friends and ourselves. Our time to be silent, step back and give ourselves permission to let go.

After all, we can't preach a message of being still and being free if we don’t walk it out ourselves. #Godisfunnythatway

And in the process, hopefully it encourages you to give yourselves permission to do the same thing, too.  To press pause on some of the busy in order that you might let your spirit unwind.

Our plan is to be back in the fall with a new women of the Bible series, but we don't have a confirmed date on when that will be yet. A couple of us have some big life changes happening this summer (such as, Monica is moving to Atlanta!), and we're gearing up to host our first ever conference! 

As soon as details are ironed out, we'll be sure to announce it on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Make sure you're following us there to stay up-to-date on all the announcements! And we'll still be very active on our private Facebook group this Summer. If you haven't yet joined our Be Together Community page on Facebook, click here now! What a wonderful group of ladies!

We pray that regardless of where God has you, you’re able to pause more this summer…take a deep breath and enjoy the longer days and a bit of a lighter load.

See you in the fall!

- The Be Girls


BE FREE FRIDAY #87 - Loving Our Neighbors


EPISODE 122: DEEP DIVE & WRAP-UP (Be Willing Series)