Be-Cast Episode 57: BE GENTLE (The Best of Be)


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BE IN THE WORD (this week’s verses):

Blessed are the meek and gentle—they will inherit the earth. (Matthew 5:5)

Be humble. Be gentle. Be patient. Tolerate one another in an atmosphere thick with love. (Ephesians 4:2)

Who in your community is understanding and wise? Let his example, which is marked by wisdom and gentleness, blaze a trail for others. (James 3:13)

A gentle answer turns away wrath, but harsh words cause quarrels. (Proverbs 15:1)

BE TWEETERS (ready-made tweets, just click to tweet):

Are you following us on Twitter? Hit us up @bestillbefree!

It's the strong hand, not the weak one, that must learn to be gentle. #BeGentle @bestillbefree

Gentleness is like someone holding a teeny-tiny delicate flower in their palms. @amberellamiller #BeGentle 

Gentleness is not weakness, but strength under control. #BeGentle @bestillbefree

Gentleness is not meekness, but wholly relying on God’s strength instead of your own. #BeGentle @bestillbefree

BE DOERS, NOT JUST HEARERS OF THE WORD (practical application):

1. Practice Gentleness. Make a concerted effort this week to choose to respond with gentleness in a potentially harsh situation. It could be with a co-worker, spouse, child, boss. Keep the visual of the large hammer breaking a walnut in your mind – breaking the shell without flattening the nut.

2. Write it out. Write out this sentence in a journal or note card each morning until it becomes part of your inner script you can pull up when needed: “Gentleness is having the right, the power and authority to do something but choosing to bring it under control to fulfill a higher good.”

BE EDUCATED (additional resources):

1. Article by Christian Cheong. This is the full article referenced in the podcast. Great content on the true meaning of gentleness.

2. The Glorious Pursuit: Embracing the Virtues of Christ by Gary Thomas. Examines how you can experience the long-term change that comes from following Jesus and reveal Him in how you act toward others. By examining the virtues of Christ, you’ll be introduced to a new way of experiencing Him that is authentic and gives meaning that lasts.

3. The Strength of Gentleness by Gary Thomas. Awesome ideas of how to demonstrate gentleness with your children at all ages. 

4. Christian Manhood: Gentleness Isn’t Being the Nice Guy. Great article about Christian men can exhibit true gentleness without weakness.

BE TOGETHER (create discussion by commenting below):

Where do you fall on the gentleness spectrum? Do you think you've got it figured out, or have leaps and bounds to grow? Is there anything you learned from the podcast that was new and surprising to you? Leave us a comment and let us know what you think!

BE LOADED UP (free downloads):

Here are this week’s printable, phone wallpaper and Instagram & Pinterest pics! Use #BeGentle and #bestillbefree when posting!



When God is Gentle, Even Though He Shouldn't Be


How the Urgent Gives Way to the Important (Blog Linkup)