What to Expect from Be Missional and Build
We have this amazing new podcast series, and we sort of threw it on you without any explanation, right? I mean, Sara wrote an amazing post about it earlier this week...but we suddenly realized we didn't share the excitement about what's to come; we didn't give you a heads up that you're really going to want to tune in to some fun things we have coming up.
So heads up -- you're really going to want to tune in to some fun things we have coming up.
The heart of Be Missional and Build is to reinforce for all of us that everyone's mission is unique and all their own. Being missional is more than a going -- it’s a being first. And being missional is so much broader than a plane trip to another country.
Be Missional and Build is not about being a missionary. It's actually about embracing the mission in front of you and building your kingdom for God – however it may look. God has placed each one of us intentionally on the path of our own personal missions and He intends for us to build the kingdom of God right there...one disciple at a time.
To reinforce this concept of missions that are unique and individual for each of us, we wanted to draw real-life words from a wide variety of women that are living a wide variety of missions. And so, you're going to hear from a lot of women...not just us. It's going to be one big happy missional party!
You're going to hear from women in ministry, working women, stay-at-home moms, wanna-be moms and more. Some will be guests on the podcast, and others will write blog posts for us. These aren't women that are really famous, or super well-known. They aren't women who have huge platforms or recognizable faces or even business cards, for that matter.
Rather, they are everyday women who are in the trenches of their mission -- fully committed to building the kingdom for God right where they are. They are intentional and completely unapologetic about following their mission.
Our intention is for all of us to see and hear and taste and feel that everyone's mission is unique and individual; and hopefully it'll give you permission to sink down, let go and relax into the mission God has placed you in during this exact season of your life.
Or maybe it'll help you see for the first time exactly what the mission is that God has placed before you. Ain't nothing wrong with that.
So make sure to tune in every other week for a brand-new podcast featuring a couple of these ladies, and check back here weekly to read a post from a fresh voice who is building her kingdom for God.
It's going to be an amazing adventure as we "go and make disciples of all nations!" (And make sure to listen to the podcast to truly understand the meaning of this, and why it's in quotes!)
Y'all go be blessed today, and here's to being missional!
Looking for a new small group study? Check out the Be Together Small Group Bible Study on Be Loved and Live. It includes deeper levels of understanding how God wants us to truly love, honest discussion and practical application. Get your copy today!