Be-Cast Episode 29: BE BOLD


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"After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly." (Acts 4:31)

"And He was stating the matter plainly." (Mark 8:32)

"His [Jesus'] faithfulness to God has made it possible for us to have the courage we need and the ability to approach the Father confidently [with boldness]. (Ephesians 3:12)

"The wicked are edgy with guilt, ready to run off even when no one's after them; Honest people are relaxed and confident, bold as lions." (Proverbs 28:1)

PRACTICAL APPLICATION:1. First, assess where you’re at. Like I said, boldness is a gift granted to people who put their faith and trust in Jesus. If you don’t know Jesus then you don’t yet have access to the Father and we want to encourage you to pursue a relationship with Him.2. Confidently approach the throne of grace. What things in your life are you afraid to take to God? Maybe it’s a person, a job, a sin? Be bold in your relationship with Him. He has invited you into the throne room.3. Be bold in sharing with others. Like I said earlier this doesn’t mean bashing people over the head with your Bible… or worse… your theology. It means being bold enough to be honest with people about your faith! Do the people you work with even know you’re a Christian?When you take that first step in boldness…when you put your trust in confidence in Jesus and rely solely on His strength. He is ever so faithful to stretch out His hand and take you further than you ever imagined.READY-MADE TWEETS (click to tweet):Boldness: clearly and confidently telling people about the truths of Jesus! #bestillbefree #beboldBoldness doesn’t come from our own knowledge or confidence in our own abilities. Boldness seeps out of us because we have been with Jesus.When you have been with Jesus… people notice. Acts 4:13 #bebold #bestillbefreeWithout Jesus, we would not DARE to even look towards God. With Jesus we are INVITED to confidently approach the Father.Being bold involves being still. #bestillbefree #bebold “Freedom lies in being bold.” –Robert FrostMonica, you are now officially the new host. #movedtotearsbythattransition #whoa #bestillbefree #bebold #beagoodhostADDITIONAL RESOURCES:1. Boldly I Approach (The Art of Celebration) by Red Collective ExperimentAn incredible album you will ADORE!!


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Living a Life of Boldness


Building, Burning & Killing