Living a Life of Boldness
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A MESSAGE FROM AMBER:BE BOLD.BE bold don’t DO bold.BE it.If you’ve been listening to the podcast…well… EVER you will have heard us say something like this before. BE don’t DO. And when we’re talking about a word like “BOLD”… doing is literally the only thing that comes to mind!I mean, what picture do you have in your mind when you think of the world “bold?” Maybe you’re a struggling addict like me and the first thing that pops in your head is a hot cup o’ joe! But the second thing that I think of is someone on the move… Barreling people over with their strong words and opinions.But thankfully, God is so great about “elevating our mind”… Flipping our perspective of things so that we can see a beautifully new reality in Him!God did that for me with this word “bold.”First of all, the word in scripture that we so often translate to mean bold, is actually the greek word parresia. What’s interesting about this word parresia is that it is most commonly translated in the scripture to mean the word plainly.
How long will You keep us in suspense? If You are the Christ, tell us plainly. (John 10:24)
So what does that mean for you and me? When God calls us to BE bold, he is instructing us to be honest. Be upfront. Be open. Be frank. Maybe for you this means opening up and talking about your beliefs! Do the people you work with even know you’re a Believer?I’ve been in “church world” for several years now, but there was a brief time where I was reintroduced to the secular world. Can I be really honest with you and admit that it was hard to take that first step with people! It was a little intimidating to be the one to mention Jesus for the first time… so I get it! I understand the pressure that you may feel to be silent about your faith.But being bold doesn’t mean that we should be shouting condemnation from the street corners. It means that we are to be unveiled, unashamed, and unambiguous with others about The One in whom we put our trust.Now, I know that at this point some of you are checking your pulse. Yes. Your blood pressure is rising. Yes. You are getting stressed out at the mere thought of an uncomfortable conversation with someone about your faith… but I have good news! God doesn’t call us to do this alone.
Now when they saw the confidence (parresia) of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marveled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus. (Acts 4:13)
You won’t have Confidence. Parresia. Boldness… unless you have been with Jesus. And the great thing about Jesus is this… Once you’ve been with Him… He stays with you.Do you really think that the God who died for you wouldn’t also hold your hand as you tell others about Him? He will not leave you or forsake you. Nope. Not even in this.You see, it’s only because of Him that we have this boldness to begin with! And not only have we been granted boldness with others, but through Jesus we also can have boldness in our relationship with God.
His [Jesus’] faithfulness to God has made it possible for us to have the courage we need and the ability to approach the Father confidently (parresia). (Ephesians 3:12)
When you look at your walk with Him, would you venture to call it bold? Jesus has made it possible for us to be bold. And He calls to confidently approach God. Be bold in your prayers! He is a big God. Watch your faith grow as he surpasses even your boldest prayers.As you seek God boldly. As you confidently approach the throne of grace, trust Him that he will provide.
The wicked are edgy with guilt, ready to run off even when no one’s after them; Honest people are relaxed and confident, bold as lions. (Proverbs 28:1)
In Proverbs 28, the word used for bold is the Hebrew word Batach which is translated literally to mean: a confident trust, to feel safe, make secure. Actually, it is most commonly used in reference to fortified walls.He is our strong tower. He is our mighty fortress. We can be confident and trust that His steady and sturdy hand will protect us as we are faithful in being bold.God is calling us to a life of courage. A life of boldness. An unapologetic confidence that can only be found in Him.Today, be encouraged to walk out a life of boldness.Be bold with others: “Speak the word of God boldly”.Be bold with God: “Confidently approach the throne of grace”.Friends, we have been with Jesus. And, when you begin walking with Him in boldness…there is no looking back.Where is God asking you to be bold in your life? Start praying now for a spirit of boldness; leave us a comment below and we'll agree in prayer with you!