Be-Cast Episode 30: BE VICTORIOUS


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Thanks be to God who GIVES us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Corinthians 15:57)

For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith. (1 John 5:4 ESV)

PRACTICAL APPLICATION:1.  Write down what a victorious life looks like to you.2.  Does your list match up with the Biblical truth of what a victorious life looks like?3.  If not, we have to change the language you are speaking to yourself b/c that language drives your beliefs and hence your actions. If you are run ragged, change your language…your thoughts…so, write down what the Bible says a victorious life is. Listen to the podcast again and write down the truths we discuss, read the blog on Monday and Wednesday for our notes, do a google search about what a victorious biblical life looks like.4.  Study the victories God gave in the Old Testament. List the person, place, and event. Then write out the Bible verse that tells that God gave the victory.ADDITIONAL RESOURCES:

  1. David Guzik's Commentary on the Bible. An amazing commentary on I John 5.
  2. Joshua: Guidebook to Victory. An article describing the book of Joshua as a guidebook to victory.
  3. What Do We Mean: Victory in Christ Jesus? Great article further explaining victory.
  4. Victory in Christ by Charles Trumbull. Insight into the full victory we have in Jesus.

READY-MADE TWEETS (click to tweet):“Being born again, born of God is the ultimate source of victory.” (David Guzik)“If you didn’t have problems, there would be nothing over which to have victory!” (David DePra)We see our circumstances in the scope of this lifetime; He sees them in the scope of eternity.It's in Him we can face the struggles of this world -- He gives us a hope, a purpose, a calling!DOWNLOADS:Here are this week's printable, phone wallpaper and Instagram/Pinterest pics! Use #BeVictorious and #bestillbefree when posting!BE VICTORIOUS-SQUARE-01BE VICTORIOUS-PRINTABLE-01BE VICTORIOUS-WALLPAPER-01


Victory in Jesus (Alone!)


Living a Life of Boldness