Be-Cast Episode 1: INTRODUCTION


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Be still and know that I am God. 

Hmmm…have you ever stopped to really think about what God meant when He said those words?Have you ever stopped to think about God not just asking but commanding you to be still?Even now, as I am sitting down on my comfy bed (the place I spend most of my time researching, reading, writing, studying), with the beautiful sun shining through the trees outside my window, I have been in one of those funks today feeling I need to do more -- do more ministry, do more for my kids, be more for my husband, go work out because I’m having that I-feel-totally-fluffy-today-and-nothing-looks-good-on-me mindsets.And I’m sort of like, "Really God? You want me to sit down and write for the blog today?"But then He reminds me: He wants me to be still because He wants me to know that He is God.So God, I’m going to be still -- now please deliver me from this funk!That’s the point of this blog though.Monica and I are just average women that deal with the same things that most women deal with. Take a look around at the women you -- we are tired, stressed, anxious, desiring more, fearful, unhappy and on and on and on.Is this really all that life has to offer?That was my question to God about 5 years ago. And I just couldn’t accept that this feeling of despair was what God had desired for His children. I prayed that my eyes would see as God sees; that He would give me wisdom and discernment about how He saw me and what He wanted for my life. This prayer came after God had called me out of almost everything extra in my life beyond Him, family and work, and called me into a life of stillness.God doesn't just call you out of something; He calls you into something. (tweet that)As Kay Arthur writes in her book, Lord Is It Warfare Teach Me To Stand, it is often in our solitude that we are drawn closer to God. And that's exactly what God shows us again and again...that you can't minister with BE, unless you learn how to BE. (tweet that)The goal of Be Still Be Free is to elevate the minds of women through inspiring words and refreshing truthfulness. Again, we do not have our acts together! But we know that in being made in the image of Christ, the map is there for us to transform our minds which will transform our beliefs and in essence will transform our behaviors.And we can do this in confidence, and know that we are living the legacy we want to leave; being unapologetically true to who you are and who Christ created you to be. (tweet that)Man that gets me so excited!  That’s the Be Free part!Ladies, if we can learn to Be Still and know God, we can Be Free!We continue to learn that it is okay to be more like Mary and not have to be so much like Martha. Christ told Martha that Mary chose the better of the two. And even though He knows dinner has to be made, the house cleaned, our jobs done -- He also knows that when we sit at His feet and put the truth in, we will be more successful at all that we do.We have to learn to be Mary first and then the Martha will flow more naturally. (tweet that)We need to learn how to BE before we DO.So, please join us on this adventure. We look forward to being in this life with you! Be sure to come back next week when we focus specifically on what it means to BE STILL.What do you think? Is being still something you struggle with? What characteristics of BE would you like to discuss? Give us your thoughts by clicking the comment tab below!Be still, my friends!SaraDOWNLOAD: BE STILL BE FREE-PRINTABLEDownload this week's free printable! This is simply our wallpaper that says BE. Put it in your bathroom or on the fridge or in the laundry room, as a reminder to simply BE this week. Also make sure to visit our Downloads page for free iPhone, iPad and desktop wallpaper -- let it always be a reminder to BE!Special Thanks: God, you blow us away. Thank you for remaining faithful even when we doubted. Your plan has already proven to be a million times better than what our limited minds imagined.To Chris and Greg, our biggest (and hottest) very manly cheerleaders -- for your unwavering support and dedication as we walked the journey to BE. We are indebted to God for blessing us with men who truly feel joy by seeing us fulfill our callings.And he will probably never read this, but we could not do any of this podcasting without the technical wizardry of our incredibly talented friend, Michael. He excels in what he does; and not only that, he believes in what we're doing and gets excited about helping us navigate this unfamiliar "gizmo and gadget" world of microphones, recorders and volume levels. So thank you, Michael -- you are truly a gift to us here at BE!


Be-Cast Episode 2: BE STILL
