We know what you're thinking -- what in the world is BE?
And BE is...well...where do we start?BE is a million things and yet just one thing. It’s an almost tangible thing you can grab a hold of, but it’s also a mindset -- a lifestyle and a choice.BE. Be still, be free. Be you. Be who He created you to be. Be the best you possible — the best woman, wife, friend, mom, employee, advocate, cheerleader, supporter, designer, carpooler, coffee drinker.Be still to know He is God.Be free in Christ to pursue the abundant life He died to give us.Be in the moment and be fully present. Be free to dream. Be amazed at what He can do. Be changed. Be loved.BE.It seemed the simplest and most complex name to describe the simplest and most complex vision He gave us. (And "us" is Sara and Monica, in case you're curious.)We launched this place in October 2013. Our vision and mission is to elevate the minds of women through inspiring words and refreshing truthfulness; to create a culture of women who allow their DO to be an overflow of their BE...not doing in order to be.Subtle but important shift in mindset...did you catch that? BE then DO...don't DO to BE.We're going to attempt to fulfill that mission with weekly 30-minute podcasts where we invite you into a conversation of discovering freedom through simply learning to BE. These weekly podcasts will have a monthly theme, and each week's topic will fit into that theme. Our prayers are that by walking through this process, we'll all be transformed into BE'ers first and DO'ers second. And not only will we have weekly podcasts, we have tools and resources for you to grab a hold of -- printables, wallpapers and more. And starting in early 2015, we'll have a tangible Bible Study for you to grab onto and use in a small group setting. Be Together. Because, of course.Make sure to stay connected to the latest news, announcements and posts by subscribing in the sidebar -- this will ensure you receive the latest everything delivered right to your inbox. And be sure to check out BE on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest!We totally love you all already. To pieces.