We think of the fruit of the spirit as being something we possess that’s enticing to others—that Paul compared these qualities to fruit to demonstrate their attractiveness to those around us. That if we display these fruits as we’re commanded to, this discipled life will be appealing to others.
And that’s definitely true.
But I wonder, too, if part of Paul’s goal in calling these qualities “fruit” was to make them enticing to us personally. To show us there is another way to live our everyday lives for our own benefit; gifts to receive that contradict our own natural tendencies:
Instead of harboring bitterness, I can receive the sweet scent of love that cuts through hate.
Instead of wallowing in negativity, the citrus taste of joy can permeate and fill me.
Instead of focusing on life’s turmoil, I can feel the refreshing effervescence of peace in every circumstance.
Instead of being frustrated with God’s timing, I can rest in patience, knowing He hasn’t forgotten me.
Instead of getting annoyed with rudeness, I can receive kindness from the One who loves me most.
Instead of assuming the world has gone to hell, I can find the goodness God shows around every corner.
Instead of feeling rejected, I can find the welcoming faithfulness of God enveloping me in His arms.
Instead of hearing harsh opinions over every little thing, I can see how gentleness turns away wrath.
Instead of feeling ruled by every emotion in my flesh, I can find complete boldness and strength in being self-controlled.
We can’t impart what we don’t possess. How can we display the fruits of the Spirit in a way that attracts others if we don’t allow ourselves to fully satisfy ourselves in them first?
Take note today and pay attention when you come across a feeling, emotion or opinion that is contrary to one of these nine fruits of the Spirit. Ask God how you can welcome these fruits into your life in this very moment.
“But the fruit produced by the Holy Spirit within you is divine love in all its varied expressions: joy that overflows, peace that subdues, patience that endures, kindness in action, a life full of virtue, faith that prevails, gentleness of heart, and strength of spirit.” (Galatians 5:22, The Passion Translation)