So, About Those Dandelions...


Maybe you’ve noticed (maybe you haven’t), that we used dandelions a lot in our graphics for BE. It’s super intentional, not just a cool design element (although, yes, that too).

As we researched ideas for the magazine, the idea for a dandelion was something Monica really liked, but being a creative-slash-still one, she didn’t want to include it if it didn’t mean anything. But all it took was a few minutes of researching to realize it was a God-ordained creative idea.

  • The dandelion is a perennial plant, lasting for an indefinitely long time; enduring; perpetual; everlasting; continuing; recurrent — just like our relationship to Christ!
  • Its leaves will grow back if the tap root is left intact — Jesus is our tap root!
  • The seeds that are dispersed will rapidly colonize in surrounding soil — like a group of women influencing their community
  • After flowering is finished, the dried petals and stamens drop off — our sin nature and ungodly characteristics
  • The bracts then curve backwards and the parachute ball opens into a full sphere — we become well-rounded women
  • Finally the seed-parachutes expand and lift out — we go into our communities and into all the world and bring the seed of the Word to those around us!

As you can see, it was a no-brainer, really.Monica got extremely inspired by the dandelions one day, and wrote this about those dandelions, in case you want to read it.
