So, I must admit that I am not a morning person. For years I have tried to guilt myself into feeling that I must get up before everyone else and start my day off right (whatever that really looks like which usually means another list that I can mark off to make myself feel accomplished). However, at almost 40 years of age, I have yet to conquer this quest for early morning energy and enthusiasm. Oh I have prayed for it and even done it...for a moment in time. My wonderful husband tells me that I need to just accept this fact about myself and stop setting myself up for failure because I beat myself up when I set my alarm with the best of intentions only to hit the snooze too many times or just turn it off. My answer? Throw grace at my feet and embrace being a slow riser (of course, in my defense I am a night owl and stay up until about midnight or 1)! This morning my plans were to crawl back into bed after dropping my kiddos off at school. It is one of the only mornings this week I have no commitments and with the cloudy, dark morning sky crawling back into bed would be absolutely perfect. But then I sat down at my computer and thought I would answer e-mails before I napped my morning away. Two hours later I'm still here and have decided to write my first blog post.God is doing a couple of amazing things in my life for which I am so grateful. One is a project that is in its newborn stage that I am so excited about. I have no idea where it is going but only how it is starting. Have you ever just waited and waited for the green light from God to do something you want to do and then finally gotten the peace that it is time? The crazy thing is that as God has taught me to "be still" he has also taught me that it is okay not to have all of the answers. Walking in faith means that God will get me where He wants me to be not me getting me where I want to be. Walking in me gets me nowhere good; walking in God, well that's another story.The second is this amazing opportunity to connect with women all around the world through (in)courage. (In)courage is a platform for women to grow and connect in several ways, but today they launched an initiative to help women connect and build community with other women. My wonderful friend Monica Steely and I are hosting a group for working moms in hopes to provide our own platform to build relationships and walk life together as God so desires for His children. If we are being honest, we all desire community and connection. We all want to feel like we belong and that somebody cares. We all need encouragement and inspiration and sometimes we are the giver of that encouragement and inspiration. Already we have had several women join our group from TX, KY, GA and more. This is so exciting...what will God do with this group? How will He lead? You see, again, I don't know where it is going; I just know that it is starting.Often, I think we hit the snooze on our lives out of fear of not knowing where we are going. Yes, crawling into bed and staying where it is warm and comfortable is easy and safe. But sometimes we need to be willing to get up and get out of our comfort zone especially when we know God has said now is the time. Sometimes our lives are so busy that we can't hear the voice of God, but sometimes we are so full of fear that we don't want to hear His voice. Sister, we must Be still and know that He is God.I am so grateful that today I did not go back to bed. Meeting these women, spending time with God, writing my first blog...this has been exciting. I may not know where I am going, but I know where I'm least I'm starting. God knows the rest!Sara