"Tell me about BE," friends ask us all the time.And there's always a slight hesitation before answering.Because really, where do we start?BE is a million things and yet just one thing. It’s a thing you can read and hear and see, but it’s also a mindset, a lifestyle and a choice.BE. Be still, be free. Be you. Be who He created you to be. Be the best you possible — the best woman, wife, friend, mom, employee, advocate, cheerleader, supporter, designer, carpooler, coffee drinker.Be still to know He is God.Be free in Christ to pursue the abundant life He died to give us.Be in the moment and fully present. Be free to dream. Be amazed at what He can do. Be changed. Be loved.BE.It seemed the simplest and most complex name to describe the simplest and most complex vision God gave us.And we're going to attempt to unravel what it means to BE through weekly podcasts...inviting you into real life conversations, discovering freedom through simply learning to BE.* * *And About the Dandelions...Maybe you’ve noticed (maybe you haven’t), that we used dandelions a lot in our graphics for BE. It’s super intentional, not just a cool design element (although, yes, that too).As we researched ideas for the magazine, the idea for a dandelion was something Monica really liked, but being a creative-slash-still one, she didn’t want to include it if it didn’t mean anything. But all it took was a few minutes of researching to realize it was a God-ordained creative idea.
- The dandelion is a perennial plant, lasting for an indefinitely long time; enduring; perpetual; everlasting; continuing; recurrent — like our relationship to Christ
- Its leaves will grow back if the tap root is left intact — Jesus is our tap root
- The seeds that are dispersed will rapidly colonize in surrounding soil — like a group of women influencing their community
- After flowering is finished, the dried petals and stamens drop off — our sin nature and ungodly characteristics
- The bracts then curve backwards and the parachute ball opens into a full sphere — we become well-rounded women
- Finally the seed-parachutes expand and lift out — we go into our communities and into all the world and bring the seed of the Word to those around us
As you can see, it was a no-brainer, really.God inspired Monica deeply one day and gave her more insight about dandelions that she wrote about here, if you want to read more.